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Meet Onkar 

Dr Onkar Sahota is a dynamic leader and a dedicated GP with a strong commitment to his communities and public health. As a former elected London Assembly member representing Ealing and Hillingdon since 2012 and chairing the Assembly’s Health Committee since 2013, Onkar has been instrumental in shaping healthcare policies for the city. Onkar is former Chair and Deputy Chair of the London Assembly, and a previous member of the Oversight and Economy Committees.

Born in Punjab, India, and raised in Hayes, London, Onkar's journey epitomizes the spirit of perseverance and hard work. Inspired by his father's journey from a British Airways maintenance worker to a successful business owner, Dr Sahota is driven to create opportunities for others to succeed.

A visionary with a diverse skill set, Onkar holds a medical degree from Sheffield University and an MBA from the prestigious London Business School. He further honed his expertise in Health Policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Beyond his medical practice, Onkar has also contributed significantly to global healthcare, consulting for the Department for International Development on World Bank funded primary care reforms in Russia and Uzbekistan.

Devoted to community service, Dr Sahota has also chaired the Governing Body of a Primary School in Southall and served as a Magistrate (Justice of Peace) on the Ealing Bench from 1990-2015.

As a trusted advocate for health and social issues, Dr Onkar Sahota continues to be driven to achieve positive impact in these areas.


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