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Dr Onkar Sahota warns of NHS reaching breaking point in London as workforce crisis deepens





News release

Dr Onkar Sahota AM has warned that the NHS crisis will deepen and reach “breaking point” this winter as junior doctors and consultants are pushed to undertake the first joint strike in NHS history.

Ministers must address the sky-high waiting times at A&E departments, deal with chronic understaffing and resolve the issues driving the strikes to avoid a winter crisis in the NHS, Dr Sahota,Labour’s London Assembly Health Spokesperson anda practicing NHS GP, has demanded.

NHS data has demonstrated the depth of the crisis in healthcare in London and the strains faced by doctors. In August 2023, 16,478 patients in London who needed admission through A&E faced a trolley wait - a delay of four hours or more waiting for a hospital bed.

Not one of the 18 London NHS trusts with major emergency A&E departments met the standard of seeing 95% of patients within four hours. Four saw fewer than half of patients within 4 hours: Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals Trust; King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust; London North West University Healthcare Trust; and The Hillingdon Hospitals Foundation Trust.

Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust saw only 39.5% of patients being seen within 4 hours - the joint second worst in England, behind only West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.

The four-hour standard sets out that at least 95% of patients attending A&E in England should be admitted to hospital, transferred to another provider, or discharged within four hours.

London’s NHS services are facing a staffing crisis. There are almost 30,000 fulltime posts vacant in London, 11.6% of the total workforce. This is the highest vacancy rate for any region in England, with the national average at 8.9%. For nursing, London’s vacancy figure is 13.5% - significantly higher than the 10.6% rate for England as a whole.

Staffing issues are expected to worsen, with a third of medical students planning to either practice medicine overseas or leave the profession altogether, according to a study published in BMJ Open last week.

NHS services in London are in a poor position to face increased pressures over winter. In January 2020, the last winter before the pandemic, 402 patients in London England had A&E waits exceeding 12 hrs. In August 2023, a month without extreme weather, severe pandemic pressures or major tragedy in London, 5,048 patients faced delays of more than half a day, an increase of more than 1,150%.

Vacancy rates have also increased by more than 8,000 during that time, jumping from 21,258 to 29,521 full-time roles being unfilled in London.

NHS waiting lists hit a new record high of 7.7 million across England. In January 2020, this figure was 4.4 million.

Labour’s London Assembly Health spokesperson, Onkar Sahota AM, said: 

“NHS staff are working as hard as they can but there is currently huge pressure on them.

“Londoners are being hit hard with too many people having to wait more than four hours for treatment at A&E. These woeful waiting times show the consequence of more than a decade of underfunding and neglect of the health service by Government. Their mismanagement has resulted in chronic staffing shortages, blow out waiting lists and some of the worst A&E treatment times in history.

“Things are only going to get worse as we are yet to feel the full impact of winter pressures - there is a real risk of the NHS reaching breaking point over winter.

“Ministers must urgently get a grip of the crisis. They can start by offering doctors and nurses a pay rise that values their hard work, then a sustainable long term funded strategy that stops the NHS haemorrhaging staff.”



The joint strike by consultants and junior doctors will affect almost all planned care. Consultants began their strike action on Tuesday (19 Sept) and are joined by junior doctors today (20 Sept). From 7am this morning, both junior doctors and consultants will deliver Christmas day levels of staffing only. Both groups will then strike on 2, 3 and 4 October, again providing Christmas day cover.

Major emergency departments are Type 1 A&E departments, meaning those which provide a consultant-led 24-hour service with full facilities for resuscitating patients.

The latest NHS England A&E statistics reveal August’s Accident and Emergency indicators for England. Other London A&Es failing to meet the target are:

Hillingdon Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – 39.5%

London North West University Healthcare Trust – 42.4%

Barking, Havering And Redbridge University Hospitals Trust – 49.6%

Kings College Hospital Foundation Trust – 49.9%

Lewisham and Greenwich Trust – 50.4%

North Middlesex University Hospital Trust – 51.5%

Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust – 54.7%

Barts Health Trust – 55.9%

Royal Free London Foundation Trust – 56.3%

Imperial College Healthcare Trust – 57%

Guys and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust – 65.6%

Croydon Health Services Trust – 66.2%

Whittington Health Trust – 68%

University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust – 71.1%

St George's University Hospitals Foundation Trust – 74.3%

Chelsea And Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust – 74.6%

Epsom And St Helier University Hospitals Trust – 77.1%

Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust – 85.9%

Information on the NHS four-hour standard can be found here

NHS Vacancy Data showing that there are 29,521 full-time roles unfilled is here

The study, published on 13th September in the British Medical Journal BMJ Open, surveyed 25.5% of UK medical students across 44 medical schools, with 32.5% saying they plan to leave the NHS within two years of graduating, citing pay, working conditions, and work-life balance as the main drivers behind their intention to leave. It can be accessed here.

Dr Onkar Sahota AM is the London Assembly Labour Group spokesperson on Health and is London Assembly Member for Ealing and Hillingdon.

Dr Sahota is a practicing NHS GP in West London and maintains GP surgeries in Hanwell and Southall serving roughly 10,000 patients.

Dr Sahota’s 2020 report, NHS vacancies in London: how to fill the gap, can be found here.

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