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Newsletter : Update from City Hall 01/03/23

I wanted to update you on what I’ve been up to both in the community and at City Hall over the past few months. I’ve been working to represent you as Chair of the London Assembly, and I’ve been hitting the doorstep, including with our fantastic prospective parliamentary candidate for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, Danny Beales. I am chairing People’s Question Time with the Mayor in Ealing tomorrow – to find out more and get your ticket, click this link: If you want to get in touch or if there’s anything I can help you with, please do send me an email at and I’ll be happy to help.

Solidarity with working people

As the government continues its assault on working people, it’s vital that we stand shoulder to shoulder with the nurses, paramedics, transport workers and more who are striking for the better pay and conditions that they deserve. I joined nurses from the RCN on the picket line last month to express my support for them and to hear from them about the conditions they are working in. Overcrowded waiting rooms, overworked staff and understaffed wards are no longer an exception, but the everyday reality.

As a practicing NHS GP, I am constantly reminded of the damage this government has done to our health service. The only cure is a Labour government, and I’m looking forward to campaigning with all of you to make that a reality. Part of that means making Ealing and Hillingdon a Tory-free zone – we can start by beating Boris Johnson in Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

London Stands with Ukraine

This week marks a year since Russia’s unprovoked and illegal invasion of Ukraine. In that time, we’ve seen countless examples of Ukrainian heroism, defending the freedom both of their country and ours. To mark the anniversary, the Mayor and I welcomed a delegation from Kyiv City Council, who shared their experience over the last 12 months.

We assured them that London will always stand on the right side of history – by loudly and proudly supporting Ukraine in its struggle for freedom. Slava Ukraini!

Chairing the London Assembly

As Chair of the London Assembly, I’m very grateful to be able to put Ealing and Hillingdon’s voice front and centre at City Hall. Just this week on the Assembly we’ve voted to stand with working people, and call on the Mayor to mark the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.

I led the City Hall service to commemorate this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day, around the theme “Ordinary People”. Together, we reflected on the contributions that thousands of ordinary people made that resulted in many thousands of lives saved. The murder of millions, including 6 million Jewish people, stands as one of humanity’s most heinous crimes. Now it’s incumbent on us to make sure that Never Again really means Never Again by actively fighting racism and discrimination wherever it manifests.

Standing with Turkey and Syria

All of us have been shocked by the tragedy that has unfolded since earthquakes devastated large parts of Turkey and Syria, and it’s vital that we show solidarity with all of those affected at this awful time.

Last week, as Chair of the London Assembly, I visited Syria House in Trafalgar Square, which has been set up to provide a focus point for the Syrian community in the UK’s earthquake relief efforts. It was humbling to hear from volunteers who have helped coordinate this work, and I am pleased to have been able to support them.

ULEZ to be expanded

Many of you have been in touch with me concerning the Mayor’s decision to expand the Ultra Low Emission Zone, ULEZ, to the entirety of Greater London. Now that the decision has been made, I wanted to reassure you that I will continue to do everything I can to make the biggest package of support available to Ealing and Hillingdon residents as possible. Already the Mayor has announced a new £110million scrappage scheme, exemptions for disabled drivers until October 2027, and a 2-million-mile bus network expansion. I will keep lobbying for more resources to be enabled.

If you haven’t already checked if your car is compliant (90% of cars in London are), you can do so here: and you can find more details of the Mayor’s scrappage scheme at You can find out more about exemptions here:

If you have any questions or if I can support you in any way during the transition period to ULEZ please get in touch using the email address above and I will do whatever I can to help.

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