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Newsletter : Update from City Hall 17/04/23

I wanted to update you on what I’ve been up to both in the community and at City Hall over the past few months.

It's been an honour to be the Chair of the London Assembly for the last year and I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me in the role. If you want to get in touch or if there’s anything I can help you with, please do send me an email at and I’ll be happy to help.

Representing London to the new King

As Chair of the London Assembly I had the huge privilege of making a loyal address on behalf of Londoners to His Majesty the King as part of preparations for the upcoming coronation in May. The Greater London Authority is one of 27 Privileged Bodies of the United Kingdom that has a right to present an address to the King in person.

I visited Buckingham Palace alongside London Assembly group leaders Len Duvall AM, Susan Hall AM and Caroline Russell AM, as well as members of GLA staff. I’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone at the Palace who facilitated our visit and His Majesty the King for taking the time to meet with us.

Casey Review lays scale of Met Police challenge bare

All of the Labour members of the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee, myself included, were braced ahead of the release of the Casey Report into the Met Police – but even so, I was shocked and appalled by its revelations. The report laid bare institutional discrimination in our police force and is the latest in a series of scandals that have shaken the public’s trust in the institution that exists to keep us safe.

The Commissioner is completely clear that change must come to the Met Police, and I alongside colleagues on the Committee will hold him to this pledge. The first step to fixing the problems is by accepting all of the recommendations, including the fact that the discrimination in the police is institutional.

“Superloop” Proposals Launched

At City Hall I’ve consistently lobbied for expansion of bus routes in outer London, so it’s fantastic to see the Mayor make this a priority by launching a new set of circular services in Outer London. In Ealing and Hillingdon, this means the integration and expansion of existing routes from Uxbridge to White City via Ealing, and Heathrow Airport to Harrow via Hayes and Northolt.

In the wake of this announcement it’s vital that we continue to expand these services further, so that Outer Londoners get the same access to public transport that many in Inner London already enjoy.

To find out more about the scheme, you can check here:

Ramadan Mubarak

I want to take the opportunity to wish Muslim communities across Ealing and Hillingdon Ramadan Mubarak, and to have a safe enjoyable fasting month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a time to come together as a family and a community, to celebrate what we have in common, and reflect on how we can serve others who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Happy Vaisakhi

This month we will also celebrate the holiday of Vaisakhi.

Vasiaki is month of harvest in the Indian Sub-Continent. It is a time to celebrate with family and friends the bountiful harvest and take a well earned rest from the hard work looking after your crops. It also sets in the summer months.

For the Sikhs, it is during Vasisaki, on 13 April 1699, that Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Tenth Guru) established the Khalsa Panth (Sikh Brotherhood) and gave the Sikhs the identity by which they are recognised all over the world.

Nagar Kirtans are being held in various towns in London by the Skihs to celebrate this occasion. One of the largest Nagar Kirtans is held in Southall, attracting up to 60,000 – 80,000 visitors from across the capital.

Fill your heart with love and joy, share your blessings and be thankful. Happy Vaisakhi!

Easter Greetings

This month also marks the festival of Easter. All my best wishes go to the Christian communities celebrating Jesus’ rising, and to everyone who has been observing Lent.

The marking of so many major festivals across Ealing and Hillingdon this month shows the diversity of our communities, and I’m proud to represent you at City Hall. I’d like to pay tribute to all the community and faith leaders who have helped make this diversity our greatest strength.

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